Anti-Rights of Nature Bill Introduced in Florida
A Message of Solidarity to Our Allies in Florida
On January 3, 2020, a bill was introduced into the Florida Senate to ban local governments from recognizing the Rights of Nature. The Rights of Nature Movement has moved fiercely into 2020 as communities in 13 Florida counties pursue local Rights of Nature laws, inspired by the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR), a law written, campaigned, and approved by the people of Toledo.
The Florida bill says local governments:
“…may not recognize, grant, convey, or extend legal standing or legal rights, as those terms are generally construed, to a plant, an animal, a body of water, or any other part of the natural environment…unless otherwise specifically authorized by state law or the State Constitution.”
The Corporate State is a constant threat to the people’s right to local self-governance and nature’s right to exist, flourish and thrive. A movement begins with individuals standing against a system meant to keep them on their knees. It advances when, together, we reject unlawful and illegitimate actions that oppress the rights of the people.
Today we are reminded why it’s so vital for the people to be the keepers of democracy. Florida State Senator Ben Albritton has introduced Senate Bill 1382 to block local attempts to establish and protect the Rights of Nature, but this will not stop the movement.
In Ohio, we faced similar backlash when the Ohio Chamber of Commerce had language added to the Ohio budget to undermine the enforcement of Rights of Nature in the state. We also faced opposition funded by BP, and a lawsuit against the city that seeks to uphold the rights of big agriculture corporations.
Florida’s Sen. Albritton, who has received honors from the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Farm Bureau, among numerous other industry groups, is doing the bidding of the Corporate State not acting as a representative of the people -- let alone the environment.
Despite the senator’s attempts at stifling the communities and thousands of people working day and night to build and promote the Rights of Nature in Florida, we want to remind our friends in the Sunshine State that we are here in solidarity. As we prepare for our own battle at home in Ohio, we are reminded that justice can only occur when the people stand up and demand it, together. Like in Ohio, corporate-owned legislators in Florida are desperate to stop this expansion of rights.
However, we’ve met the people in Florida working on Rights of Nature, and Senator Albritton sits squarely on the wrong side of history. Backlash from the Corporate State is to be expected. It means we’re winning. They recognize your power, Florida. Don’t back down -- use it.
In Solidarity,
Toledoans for Safe Water
January 8, 2020